Preparation Required Before Starting Your New Concrete Job
Suppose you have chosen a concrete contractor. It is time to make preparations before the worker’s hands “get dirty”. The most important is the contract. Don’t rely on verbal promises. Get everything in writing. Putting down all agreements in writing will help lessen any possible conflicts during and after the project. The written contract you sign must contain
Sufficient description of the work.
The contract price.
The date it was signed by both you and your contractor.
Your name and your contractor’s name exactly as it is in his licence card.
Plans and specifications.
Also make clear that you should
Discuss anything you don’t understand.
Ensure that progress payments listed on the contract are for work actually done and not time on job.
Make sure the dollar value on each stage of work is realistic.
Contains everything you have been promised
Know who will be responsible for the actual work being done.
Once you are satisfied with the contract, sign it. Make sure that both you and the contractor sign two copies of the contract – one for each of you.
Next Concreting Tip in Series:Best methods for paying concrete contractor